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DAILY KOS: News Roundup: Trump gets booed, Tony Blair has thoughts, and DO NOT TAKE HORSE MEDICINE

In the news today: Donald Trump held an Alabama rally to tell stories and spread COVID ... and got promptly booed for asking his loyal audience to get vaccinated. Former British prime minister Tony Blair resurfaced 20 years after his support for invading Afghanistan to criticize Biden for his pullout, because sure, that's a guy we've all been waiting to hear from. Did we mention that you really, really shouldn't attempt to cure COVID-19 by ingesting livestock dewormer? You shouldn't, and now the FDA and Mississippi's Department of Health have had to weigh in after new spate of people actually trying it.

Here's some of what you may have missed:

Conspiracy-riddled culture Trump created comes back to bite him at Alabama rally

'I will be with you, whatever' Tony Blair tells Bush upon entering Afghanistan—but criticizes Biden

DeSantis using same pandemic playbook that took down Trump

Ivermectin is worth investigating, but the idea that it cures COVID-19 is pure horses**t

We've got census growth data for every city, county, and district—and there are lots of surprises

Community Spotlight:

Climate Brief: Politicians to discuss climate change, again, maybe

The Crazy Years

Community Spotlight: Hard times require furious conversing … about climate change

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White Privilege explodes around the DC Bomb Suspect #MagaTerrorist

It's Official: Everything now going wrong in Afghanistan is Joe Biden's fault—no one else

Hunter August 23, 2021 at 03:00AM From Daily Kos

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